WebRTC Configuration (webrtcConfig.json)

3DStreamingToolkit’s sample server and client applications make use of an external JSON configuration file (webrtcConfig.json) to manage the connections to the Signaling and TURN services. Below is an example webrtcConfig.json file. This file contains placeholders for server addresses and login credentials from your server setup. This file should be placed in your executable directory.

  "iceConfiguration": "relay",
  "turnServer": {
    "uri": "turn:<url>:5349",
    "username": "<username>",
    "password": "<password>"
  "stunServer": {
    "uri": "<url>:<port>"
  "server": "<url>",
  "port": 80
  "heartbeat": 5000

Detailed values


Supported values: relay, stun, none, not defined

Indicates the ICE configuration. relay indicates that we should use TURN, stun indicates we should use STUN. none and not defined indicate we should use STUN with Google’s public stun servers.


Supported values: json object, not defined

Only valid when iceConfiguration is relay. Defines the TURN configuration values for connection establishment.

These values can be transmitted from the server (and therefore not needed on the client) in some configurations. See this post for more info.


Supported values: string, uri

The uri that we will communicate with using TURN to exchange data.


Supported values: string

Provides a username to use when authenticating to the TURN server.


Supported values: string

Provides a password to use when authenticating to the TURN server.


Supported values: json object, not defined

Only valid when iceConfiguration is stun. Defines the STUN configuration values for connection establishment.


Supported values: string, uri

The uri that we will communicate with to request STUN information for connection establishment.


Supported values: string, uri

Indicates the signalling server (see our implementation here) uri that we will connect to, and use for signalling.


Supported values: int, port

Indicates the signalling server (see our implementation here) port that we will connect to, and use for signalling.


Supported values: int, time in ms

A value of 0 disables this. Indicates the interval at which a HTTP GET /heartbeat request will be sent to the signalling server throughout the duration of the session. This helps the signalling server determine when connections have gone stale, or failed.

WebRTCConfig Extensions

These additional snippets of configuration enable features, and can be appended to the above configuration to configure and leverage these features.

Client authentication

Note: this config is only valid in client implementations.

"authentication": {
    "codeUri": "<url to an oauth24d code provider>",
    "pollUri": "<url to an oauth24d code provider polling endpoint>"

This configuration is only valid for client implementations, as it requires interactive login on behalf of a user. An OAuth24D provider is any service that implements the oauth24d RESTful api, much like https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2ForDevices.

Server authentication

Note: this config is only valid in server implementations.

"authentication": {
    "authorityUri": "<an oauth2 authority uri, tested against aadv1>",
    "resource": "<the oauth2 resource, commonly the same as clientId>",
    "clientId": "<the oauth2 authority application id>",
    "clientSecret": "<the oauth2 authority application secret>"

This configuration is only valid for server implementations, as it does not require interactive login, and is authenticated on behalf of an application, not a user. Our server authentication mechanism is effectively an aadv1 application, like https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/active-directory-protocols-oauth-service-to-service

Temporary turn credentials

"turnServer": {
    "provider":"<url to an endpoint that serves json containing a username/password>"

This configuration enables temporary turn credential retrieval (and has a dependency on authentication, and therefore the authentication config values). The expectation is that such a provider endpoint should be secured.

Server Configuration (serverConfig.json)

3DStreamingToolkit’s sample server applications have server specific configuration that is stored in an external JSON configuration file (serverConfig.json). It can be used to configure encoding dimensions, system service status, system capacity, and system service installation settings.

  "serverConfig": {
    "width": 1280,
    "height": 720,
    "systemService": false,
    "systemCapacity": -1,
    "autoCall": false,
    "autoConnect": false
  "serviceConfig": {
    "name": "3DStreamingRenderingService",
    "displayName": "3D Streaming Rendering Service",
    "serviceAccount": "NT AUTHORITY\\NetworkService",
    "servicePassword":  null


Controls multi-peer capacity.


When set to true, the server will auto call any peer that has signed in, connecting the session.


When set to true, the server will auto connect to the signaling server.

NVEncode Configuration (nvEncConfig.json)

3DStreamingToolkit’s sample server applications make use of an external JSON configuration file (nvEncConfig.json) to manage the settings used for video encoding. Below is an example nvEncConfig.json file. This file should be placed in your executable directory.

  /* Set the desired framerate for the renderer and the encoder. */
  "serverFrameCaptureFPS": 60,
  "NvencodeSettings": {
    /* Setup the average and min bitrate for the encoder.
    * WebRTC will modify the bitrate based on bandwidth but will never go below minBitrate.
    * Use the Kush gauge for best quality: width * height * framerate * 4 * 0.07 
    * Our mono samples are 1280x720 and stereo 2560x720 
    * WARNING: Setting a high minBitrate can cause latency. */
    "bitrate": 7741440,
    "minBitrate": 3870720,
    /* Setup an encoder that puts an IDR every 60 frames and the rest P-frames. 
    * Set intraRefreshEnableFlag to enable/disable I-frames. 
    * If flag is true, intraRefreshPeriod puts an I-frame every (n) number of frames. */
    "idrPeriod": 60,
    "intraRefreshPeriod": 30,
    "intraRefreshEnableFlag": false