Large scale deployment tutorial

This tutorial provides instructions on how to set up a large-scale cloud architecture for use with the 3D Streaming Toolkit.

  1. Log in to Azure
  2. Create a new Virtual Network
  3. Deploy a Signaling Server
  4. Create a new Azure Batch account
  5. Upload streaming application releases to Azure Batch
  6. Upload all dependencies and functional tests to Azure Batch
  7. Clone/Download the sample Cloud3DSTKDeployment web app/api project
  8. Modify/add QA tasks for Linux/TURN pool creation
  9. Modify/add QA tasks for Windows/Rendering pool creation
  10. Run the Web project, locally or in the cloud
  11. Invoke the Cloud3DSTKDeployment endpoints with HTTP POST
  12. Setup auto scaling with api/orchestrator endpoint
  13. Browse the Batch account using the Portal or Batch Explorer
  14. Connect the clients to the VMs

Extra customization:

1. Log in to Azure

Log in to the Azure Portal at:


2. Create a new Virtual Network

  1. Click + “Create a resource”.
  2. Search for Virtual Network and click to proceed.
  3. Complete the fields for the network’s Name, Address Space, Subscription, Resource Group, Location, Subnet, Address Range, DDoS Protection Level, and any Service Endpoints.
  4. For more information, refer to the following guide:


3. Deploy a Signaling Server

  1. Refer to the Signaling Server from the following repo:
  2. Clone the repo locally if you wish to download the code.
  3. Click the “Deploy to Azure” button directly from the repo’s Readme page.
  4. Once deployed, add the following properties:
  5. The settings above will ensure the signaling server will remove unresponsive clients/servers and assign new clients based on server capacity.


4. Create a new Azure Batch account

  1. Click + “Create a resource”.
  2. Search for Batch Service and click to proceed.
  3. Complete the fields for the Batch Account’s Name, Subscription, Resource Group (use existing), Location, Storage Account, Pool Allocation Mode (Batch Service or User Subscription).
  4. For more information, refer to the upper sections of the following guide:
  5. NOTE: you won’t have to create any pools or nodes manually because we will do this programmatically using the Batch SDK.


5. Upload streaming application releases to Azure Batch

  1. Visit the Azure Portal at:
  2. Click on the Batch account you created earlier.
  3. Browse the sections to see Applications within that Batch account.
  4. Upload the application releases with desired versioning. For each pool creation, Azure Batch will automatically copy a specific or latest version of the application and unzip the content.

6. Upload all dependencies and functional tests to Azure Batch

  1. Browse to the same Applications section as step 6
  2. Upload the desired Nvidia driver install. For Azure NV series get the latest here
  3. Upload all dependency installers required for your streaming application. For example, for our DirectX sample servers, we require the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015
  4. Retrieve and upload the latest end-to-end functional test from 3D Streaming toolkit releases. The latest version is 3DStreamingToolkit-FunctionalTests-v2.0
  5. Upload the latest server deployment script
  6. You can upload any other scripts or installers that you require for your VM creation


7. Clone/Download the sample Cloud3DSTKDeployment web app/api project

  1. Refer to the Cloud3DSTKDeployment project from the following repo:
  2. Clone the repo locally and open Cloud3DSTKDeployment.sln in Visual Studio 2017.


8. Modify/add QA tasks for Linux/TURN pool creation

  1. Open to Services/BatchService.cs and look at CreateTurnPool method
  2. Set the desired VM type and Ubuntu version for your TURN server nodes. Be default, we use the STANDARD_A1 machines and Ubuntu Server 14.04.5-LTS. See the Azure Batch documentation for more details.
    pool = this.batchClient.PoolOperations.CreatePool(
     poolId: poolId,
     targetDedicatedComputeNodes: dedicatedNodes,
     virtualMachineSize: "STANDARD_A1",
     virtualMachineConfiguration: new VirtualMachineConfiguration(
         new ImageReference(
             offer: "UbuntuServer",
             publisher: "Canonical",
             sku: "14.04.5-LTS"),
         nodeAgentSkuId: "batch.node.ubuntu 14.04"));
  3. Modify the StartTask if you wish to install a different type of TURN server. In our sample we install a simple docker image running at port 3478 and hardcoded username and password. This is not the recommended approach if you wish to use authentication. See our code story for more options.
    pool.StartTask = new StartTask
     // Run a command to install docker and get latest TURN server implementation
     CommandLine = "bash -c \"sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install && sudo docker run -d -p 3478:3478 -p 3478:3478/udp --restart=always zolochevska/turn-server username password realm\"",
     UserIdentity = new UserIdentity(new AutoUserSpecification(AutoUserScope.Task, ElevationLevel.Admin)),
     WaitForSuccess = true,
     MaxTaskRetryCount = 2

9. Modify/add QA tasks for Windows/Rendering pool creation

  1. Open Services/BatchService.cs and look at CreateRenderingPool method
  2. Set the desired VM size and Windows version. For optimal streaming, we recommended using the Standard_NV6 VM and Windows Server 2016.
    pool = this.batchClient.PoolOperations.CreatePool(
     poolId: poolId,
     targetDedicatedComputeNodes: dedicatedNodes,
     virtualMachineSize: "Standard_NV6",  // NV-series, 6 CPU, 1 GPU, 56 GB RAM 
     virtualMachineConfiguration: new VirtualMachineConfiguration(
         new ImageReference(
             offer: "WindowsServer",
             publisher: "MicrosoftWindowsServer",
             sku: "2016-DataCenter",
             version: "latest"),
         nodeAgentSkuId: " amd64"));
  3. Modify the application packages that you wish to include for each pool. Here is an example based on the applications uploaded above:
    // Specify the application and version to install on the compute nodes
    pool.ApplicationPackageReferences = new List<ApplicationPackageReference>
         new ApplicationPackageReference
             ApplicationId = "NVIDIA",
             Version = "391.58"
         new ApplicationPackageReference
             ApplicationId = "native-server-tests",
             Version = "1"
         new ApplicationPackageReference
             ApplicationId = "sample-server",
             Version = "1.0"
          new ApplicationPackageReference
             ApplicationId = "vc-redist",
             Version = "2015"
          new ApplicationPackageReference
             ApplicationId = "server-deploy-script",
             Version = "1.0"
  4. Modify the StartTask to install all your dependencies and run the unit tests. In this example, we copy the rendering application to a desired path, install vc-redist, nvidia drivers, run the end-to-end functional tests and run the server-deploy-script to set the correct signaling/TURN server information and start the rendering application as a Windows service:
// Command to start the rendering service
var startRenderingCommand = string.Format(
    "cmd /c powershell -command \"start-process powershell -verb runAs -ArgumentList '-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -file %AZ_BATCH_APP_PACKAGE_server-deploy-script#1.0%\\server_deploy.ps1 {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {0} '\"",
    string.Format("turn:{0}:3478", turnServerIp),
// Create and assign the StartTask that will be executed when compute nodes join the pool.
pool.StartTask = new StartTask
    // Install all packages and run Unit tests to ensure the node is ready for streaming
    CommandLine = string.Format(
        "cmd /c robocopy %AZ_BATCH_APP_PACKAGE_sample-server#1.0% {0} /E && " +
        "cmd /c %AZ_BATCH_APP_PACKAGE_vc-redist#2015%\\vc_redist.x64.exe /install /passive /norestart && " +
        "cmd /c %AZ_BATCH_APP_PACKAGE_NVIDIA#391.58%\\setup.exe /s && " +
        "cmd /c %AZ_BATCH_APP_PACKAGE_native-server-tests#1%\\NativeServerTests\\NativeServer.Tests.exe --gtest_also_run_disabled_tests --gtest_filter=\"*Driver*:*Hardware*\" &&" +
    UserIdentity = new UserIdentity(new AutoUserSpecification(AutoUserScope.Task, ElevationLevel.Admin)),
    WaitForSuccess = true,
    MaxTaskRetryCount = 2

10. Run the Web project, locally or in the cloud.

  1. Update the JSON configuration file for your environment
  2. Refer to the sample settings below and replace with your own values
  3. Run the Web App project locally or after deploying to your Azure account
  "BatchAccountName": "BATCH_ACCOUNT_NAME",
  "BatchAccountKey": "BATCH_ACCOUNT_KEY",
  "BatchAccountUrl": "https://BATCH_ACCOUNT_URL",
  "AuthorityUri": "AZURE_AD_URI",
  "BatchResourceUri": "BATCH_RESOURCE_URI",
  "ClientId": "AZURE_AD_CLIENT_ID",
  "RedirectUri": "AZURE_AD_REDIRECT_URI",
  "Vnet": "/subscriptions/{subscription}/resourceGroups/{group}/providers/{provider}/virtualNetworks/{network}/subnets/{subnet}",
  "SignalingServerUrl": "SIGNALING_URI",
  "SignalingServerPort": null,
  "DedicatedTurnNodes": "1",
  "DedicatedRenderingNodes": "1",
  "MaxUsersPerRenderingNode": "3",
  "AutomaticScalingUpThreshold": "0",
  "AutomaticScalingDownThreshold": "0",
  "MinimumRenderingPools": 1,
  "AutomaticDownscaleTimeoutMinutes": 5

11. Invoke the Cloud3DSTKDeployment api/create endpoint with HTTP POST

  1. Make a note of the Web API endpoint and append the API route path, e.g. https://localhost:44329/api/create
  2. Prepare to call the endpoint with a POST request, e.g. using a tool such as Postman
  3. Use the JSON sample below and replace the values to provide your own input.
  4. Call the endpoint and observe the response.
  "renderingPoolId": "RENDERING_POOL_ID",
  "turnPoolId": "TURN_POOL_ID"

12. Setup auto scaling with api/orchestrator endpoint

  1. Make sure the AutomaticScalingUpThreshold or AutomaticScalingDownThreshold is set in the configuration from step 10.
  2. Setup your signaling server with the following properties:
    • WEBRTC_PUBLISH_URI: the uri published in the step above with the appended orchestrator path, e.g. https://localhost:44329/api/orchestrator
  3. The signaling server will now publish the current state of active users and the orchestrator will decide based on the threshold if pools should be added or deleted.
  "renderingPoolId": "RENDERING_POOL_ID",
  "turnPoolId": "TURN_POOL_ID"

13. Browse the Batch account using the Portal or Batch Explorer

  1. Revisit the Azure Portal at:
  2. Click on the Batch account you created earlier.
  3. Browse the sections to see Applications, Pools and Jobs within that Batch account
  4. Check the Pools created with the POST request above
  5. Monitor the Nodes in each Pool and wait until the status reached the IDLE state
  6. The Server Rendering applications are now running on the VM and clients are able to connect by joining the signaling server

14. Connect the clients to the VMs

  1. Look at the Getting Started section to setup a client.
  2. The WebRTC configuration should use the signaling server deployed in step 3. The TURN server credentials are automatically passed down to the clients (DirectX and WebClient samples) on connection.
  3. Depending on the servers capacity, dedicated nodes and pools, you can now connect multiple clients and easily scale up/down inside the Azure Batch portal or by triggering the API endpoints from step 11 and 12.

Extra customization

Customizing your Compute Nodes.

When you call the CreatePool() method in the Batch SDK, you have several options how you want to create the Virtual Machines as Compute Nodes within your pool.


Option A

When using a Cloud Service Configuration, you will have to pick a virtualMachineSize (e.g. standard_d1_v2) and an osFamily (e.g. 5 for Windows Server 2016). You may find the complete list of options here:

Sample Code:

pool = batchClient.PoolOperations.CreatePool(
    poolId: poolId,
    targetDedicatedComputeNodes: 3, // 3 compute nodes
    virtualMachineSize: "standard_d1_v2",  // single-core, 3.5 GB memory, 50 GB disk
    cloudServiceConfiguration: new CloudServiceConfiguration(osFamily: "5")); // Windows Server 2016

Option B

When using a Virtual Machine Configuration, you will get additional options to use an ImageReference, either from the Azure directory or from a custom image.

var pool = batchClient.PoolOperations.CreatePool(
    poolId: poolId,
    targetDedicatedComputeNodes: 1,
    virtualMachineSize: "STANDARD_A1", 
    virtualMachineConfiguration: new VirtualMachineConfiguration(
        new ImageReference(
            offer: "UbuntuServer",
            publisher: "Canonical",
            sku: "14.04.5-LTS"),
        nodeAgentSkuId: "batch.node.ubuntu 14.04")


virtualMachineConfiguration: new VirtualMachineConfiguration(
    new ImageReference(virtualMachineImageId: VirtualMachineImageId),
    nodeAgentSkuId: " amd64")

// where VirtualMachineImageId is in the following format 
// /subscriptions/xxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxx/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/myImage

NOTE: When using a custom image, you may use Azure AD authentication to access the VM image.

Setting up Azure AD for Batch usage.

To set up Azure AD for Batch usage, follow the instructions provided at:

This involves the following steps:

  1. Register your application with a tenant
  2. Get the tenant ID for your Active Directory
  3. Use integrated authentication (not Service Principal)

When registering your Batch App, you will have to add it as either a Web App/API or a Native App.

When adding integrated authentication, you will have the option to select the Batch API by searching for one of the following: a. MicrosoftAzureBatch (no spaces) b. Microsoft Azure Batch (with spaces) c. ddbf3205-c6bd-46ae-8127-60eb93363864 (the ID for the Batch API)

As of this writing, Option B is the best way to add the Batch API, i.e. searching for Microsoft Azure Batch (with spaces). Registering your Batch application will allow you to use your custom VM image as described above.

After you’ve registered your Batch application, you may browse the Azure Portal under Azure Active Directory, then App Registrations to see a list of registered apps.


Network Configuration for Batch usage.

In the very first step, we set up a Virtual Network. In order to use it programmatically with the Batch SDK, simply set the NetworkConfiguration.SubnetId property to the Subnet Id value of your Virtual Network. You can also customize the Port/IP restrictions for your virtual network.

Sample Code to set NetworkConfiguration for a Batch pool

pool.NetworkConfiguration = GetNetworkConfiguration();

Sample Code to set up a Network Configuration

var networkConfiguration = new NetworkConfiguration
    EndpointConfiguration = new PoolEndpointConfiguration(new InboundNatPool[]
        new InboundNatPool(
            name: "UDP_3478",
            protocol: InboundEndpointProtocol.Udp,
            backendPort: 3478,
            frontendPortRangeStart: 3478,
            frontendPortRangeEnd: 3578),
        new InboundNatPool(
            name: "UDP_5349",
            protocol: InboundEndpointProtocol.Udp,
            backendPort: 5349,
            frontendPortRangeStart: 5349,
            frontendPortRangeEnd: 5449),

There are some guidelines and restrictions when using a creating a Virtual Network for use with Batch. Note that these may be subject to change.


Features & Limitations

There are some features and limitations to be aware of when using Azure Batch:

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